Nissin Chili Tomato Tom Yum Kung Super Combination

Chili Tomkung? Tomato Chili Tom Yum Kung? Whatever you want to call this, it is part of the most recent super combination cup noodle edition by Nissin. This is already the second time Nissin is going for wild combinations of their cups, which are rather hit and miss the first time around.

But now, with the combination of their Tomato Chili cup and their Tom Yum Kung cup, we seem to have a mix that could work, at least in our heads. So let’s go and check it out.


I was almost disappointed to find that there is no clear division of the two flavors within the cup. Oh well.

You are getting the typical tomato cubes from the chili tomato cup noodles, as well as the Tom Yum shrimps, together with other assorted freeze dried veggies.

The noodles are the Nissin cup noodle standard, with the soup powder already spread throughout the cup


Fill water. Wait. Let’s not waste time on this point, you all know by now how the cup noodles from Nissin work.


Is it a tomatoey tom yum kung? Tomato soup with tom yum flavor? It is both and neither. It really did become its own thing in the end and an inspiration to maybe try throwing in some Thai spices and pastes into tomato soup in the future.

The tomato soup and the tom yum flavors really work well together, with a good sour zing and a touch of chili flavor. I was definitely missing some spiciness, which you would expect from Cup Noodles from Thailand.

I think there is something here that works well, but maybe not well enough to make it permanently onto the shelves. I would not say no to this cup, if it ever makes a comeback, but I would not include it into my regular heavy rotation.

6.0 out of 10


Sumire Yokohama Shop / すみれ 横浜店 - Yokohama


Paimen / 百麺 - Nakameguro